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Search results

  1. T

    Need something? Check if I'm the right one!

    I can offer you alot: Web Design [PSD, Coded] Coding Make applications Quality Forum Posting Scripts installation Modding Servers [HL, CS, CSS~] Alot more, just ask for it. And I'll give you a reply. Regards, Tdesigns
  2. T

    Hosting template [PSD]

    I'd like to sell this hosting template, offers are open. http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/5196/sikoeditedls3.png Tdesigns
  3. T

    Webdesigner for hire

    My msn is Dark_Skater_Tevin [at] hotmail [dot] com Thank you, Tdesigns
  4. T

    Webdesigner for hire

    Don't have a portfolio right now because my hoster is down :S Templates. $30 - $? Banners. $10 - $15 Logo's. $5 - $10 Thank you, Tdesigns
  5. T

    Open Source Project

    Added you, Good a gfx. Novice PHP. Novice on security (searching for sp0itable code ;) ) Regards, Tdesigns
  6. T


    Talk to me on msn ;) dark_skater_tevin [at] hotmail [dot] com Regards, Tdesigns
  7. T

    Web Designers Needed

    I guess I can do it. (made a hosting template before) Talk to me on msn :) dark_skater_tevin [at] hotmail [dot] com Regards, Tdesigns
  8. T

    Where can i Learn php?

    Perhaps E-books? www.itebookhome.com Regards, Tdesigns
  9. T


    Why does your sig tell your a webdesigner then.. Lol
  10. T


    Your the "webdesigner" you should be able to figure it out yourself =) Tdesigns
  11. T

    Gaming website layout [.PSD]

    I made this template to fit a gaming website, but I think it can be used for anything. I'm wanting to sell the .PSD (Coded Version under negotiation) preview .PSD (Full rights) - Starting on $25 Bin $50 E-mail me if you are interested: admin [at] tdesigns.info And you can always PM me...
  12. T

    web desginer

    What exactly are you looking for?
  13. T

    Hosting Template

    Good piece of art there matey.. But, it doesn't really fit a hosting template.. Maybe more.. something like a portfolio? :) Regards, Td~
  14. T

    Looking for a web designer and a programmer to work in return for a free game server

    Hmm, maybe I can do some - 100 tic CS:S Server... (MUST BE ABLE TO MOD) Td~
  15. T

    New Website Designers Needed

    Maybe I can do some work for you. Add me on msn: dark_skater_Tevin@hotmail.com Or email me : admin@tdesigns.info Regards, Tdesigns
  16. T

    PR 3 Web Directory, Completely free, SEO Friendly, Fast approval.

    Added my link, Thanks alot! Regards, Tdesigns
  17. T

    Redesigning my site - not yet completed

    Double post -.- It's done! :) Check it out @ www.tdesigns.info Thanks, Tdesigns
  18. T

    Redesigning my site - not yet completed

    Thanks, anyone else? :P Tdesigns
  19. T

    Redesigning my site - not yet completed

    Yeah, @ the second 1 there will be round 3/4 boxes. Thanks for the reply, Tdesigns
  20. T

    Happy Birthday Jan

    Happy B-day!