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Search results

  1. A

    Any server expert out there?

    I am having this error updating mysql and the server wont run mysql at all. Can anyone suggest what is going on and offer some advise? Thanking in advance. ---------------------- MySQL Setup Script Version 6.1 Fetching version information from...
  2. A

    Need Adult Hosting, Paid by Stormpay, Come in for detail

    Your budget is too low especially for an adult site. Go for oversellers and your site will be down in no time. Tey to adjust your requirements a little if you need to stick to that budget.
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    I Looking For Dedicated Server

    There is NO WAY you can get a reasonable host to offer you so much for so little.
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    2 gb 10 bw ?

    Badnwidth is alright but space, a little huge.
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    Need Hosting for $10.00 USD for 6 Months

    If its 2 bucks a month, no way mate!
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    dedicated server for worldofwarcraft

    YES, it is and blizzard will not hesitate to sue. Better get an offshore server witl lax TOS & AUP because I dont think anyone in the states or UK will wanna host you.
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    What happened to hippohosts.net???

    hippohost.net is also down.
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    What happened to hippohosts.net???

    I have a site hosted with them and they have been down for more than 2 days. What happened to them? :confused4 :confused4
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    Urgent Assistant Needed - Ssh2

    I did, nothing. Where are the config files for ssh to tweak so the server logs them?
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    Need Reseller! PLZ

    I have a free reseller from RTG, you might want to try and get one from them. There forum is located at http://rtgasia.be Good luck.
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    Urgent Assistant Needed - Ssh2

    I search under /var/log, there no such file there. Can it be hiding somewhere else? :confused4
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    Urgent Assistant Needed - Ssh2

    Sorry, I forgot to add, yes on cent. The user's scripts are running ssh2 to other servers. Must be some log I can view that shows which user is using ssh, right?
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    Urgent Assistant Needed - Ssh2

    Learned hosts, I need some quick advise here. I bought a new server for hosting and have about 50 sites on it about a month ago. Now, one of my users is using his account to SSH other servers on the same network and my provider have asked me to rectify this or they will unplug my server...
  14. A

    request for Free hosting/forum ~

    I agree with you about pornwebring. Their servers are crowded and overloaded.
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    Urgent! for Hurricane Katrina Wiki - need space & bandwidth

    Root access to the server? Might as well give them the entire server! BTW, are they collecting donations? I smell a rat asking for root, creying urgency and then taking their time to run from host to host if what netcafe and the others say is true.
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    for chinese

    Fellow Malaysian, what do you need?
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    We are with a great host and can offer you that. Send an email to us if you need ti setup asap.
  18. A

    for chinese

    What do you need?