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managed wordpress hosting

Search results

  1. H

    NEED SERVER ASAP, 20 mbps unmetered

    contact aim: djsoltan
  2. H

    need hosting...

    found host
  3. H

    need hosting

    my budjet is as cheap as you can offer :D :shame:
  4. H

    need hosting

    500mb space 10gig bandwith unlimited addon domains mysql database
  5. H

    Need: 500mb Space 100gig Bandwith

    plz bring some offers to the table payment also through paypal thanks
  6. H

    free chat room

    whats the best free chat room that i can add to my site ?
  7. H

    free mailing list ?

    are there any free maliing lists with no limit on users ?
  8. H

    online site to make a txt act like cgi

    is there a way to go without the cpanel ?
  9. H

    online site to make a txt act like cgi

    hi lets say i have a file called 2.txt in the site http://nothing.com/cgi-bin/2.txt is there a way i can run this as a cgi without renaming it ? so i wanna basically run the txt as a cgi without downloading anything.
  10. H

    pay per click with paypal ?

    any places that pay per click through paypal every week ?
  11. H

    Url Redirect

    hi i need a short url redirect service with no ads or popups. (dont want .tk) thanks in advance
  12. H

    exit popup delay

    first of all i have a question about the exit popup lets say exit is places on index.html there is a direct link to like page1.html would the exit be activaed if user goes to page1.html ? and im looking for an exit popup with a delay. (like 30sec) thanks
  13. H

    need host

    i got a host thanks
  14. H

    need host

    yea have ads too and they usually dont host domains
  15. H

    need host

    need host !! :) ok im looking for host that i can pay monthly and through paypal. i need 5mb space and like 1-2 gig bandwith whats the cheapest i can get ? domain i want to get hosted is http://p3rsian.com
  16. H

    need domain host

    cool thanks alot m8
  17. H

    need domain host

    not free 35 dollars a year
  18. H

    need domain host

    hi i need a domain host with 2mb and 1gig bandwith no ads plz oh i checked freewebs and it seems for domain host they only offer like a redirect . i need a domain host like http://myddomain.com/whateverpage.htm thanks in advance
  19. H

    php referral

    hi are there any php referral scripts that redirect to different places depending on from what site they came from ?