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lets say i have a file called 2.txt in the site
is there a way i can run this as a cgi without renaming it ?
so i wanna basically run the txt as a cgi without downloading anything.
first of all i have a question about the exit popup
lets say exit is places on index.html
there is a direct link to like page1.html
would the exit be activaed if user goes to page1.html ?
and im looking for an exit popup with a delay. (like 30sec)
need host !! :)
im looking for host that i can pay monthly and through paypal.
i need 5mb space
and like 1-2 gig bandwith
whats the cheapest i can get ?
domain i want to get hosted is
hi i need a domain host
with 2mb and 1gig bandwith no ads plz
oh i checked freewebs and it seems for domain host they only offer like a redirect . i need a domain host like
thanks in advance