Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
Hello I want to offer free hosting to some interested and serious site, if anyone interested can contact me by pm , with details of space needed ,type of site you will host, expected traffic .But you have to put one of our ads(adbritee,google,cpxinteractive),and if wap site then(...
Ya seems gone forever
looking for a reliable host?? Anyone with 100 mb space 5 gb bandwidth no forum post . Can place ads on index page. C panel is necessary to backup my server
Ya I think so I am a member of this site and it has a well known support team.
I I have seen from the cpanel that there in up down in server load today. I think a server upgade or maintanence is going on.
Its down
Some body is using your service badly. Please stop instant activation. I got about 40 emails from your server and taken away 50 mb of bandwidth. Somebody is spamming with the accounts.
Googl letter to me
This latter send to me by google according to youir says----
I have reviewed your site and it appears that the ads your webhost is
displaying appear to be acceptable by our program policies at this time.
However, for future reference, please keep in mind that...
No according to google tos Three ad unit, 1 link unit, I reffaral per product allowed I read the tos and also shown to the google administrator for the same region before . see it here See the ad placement section
The admin of 300 megs vist my site and see if its satisfied your conditions- I placed your ads on the left navigation and mine in right.
First create a blocg such as block-Adsense
then write the following
if (eregi("block-Adsense.php",$_SERVER[PHP_SELF])) {
Header("Location: ../index.php");
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "your pub code";
google_ad_width = 468...