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Oh, sorry! I've just had a look though the outstanding messages though and don't see it, so it's possible it got deleted by our over enthusiastic spam filter - stupid thing :(
Would you mind sending through your question/problem again and I'll make sure someone looks at it - spam filter is...
We don't offer 3rd party product support as standard, however if you email with your questions I'm sure someone will be happy to help out.
We have many users with phpbb forums, however if a particular file extension is needed that we don't allow then email and let us know what it is and we'll get it allowed right away.
I'll need to check with the guys that set this part of the system up. Could you email me at so that I have your contact details so that we can get back to you. We may also need to ask you a few questions.
Thanks :)
It's hard for me to say from just that information, however you should receive an error message if certain files are being rejected.
Usually this is due to either file extensions that are not allowed or files larger than 2MB.
I would suggest emailing with the details of a few...
The free hosting package provides:
10GB Bandwidth,
1GB Disk space
10 MySQL databases
Application installer (Forums, Blogs, CMS)
FTP access
Web based file manager
No banner ads, no posting required
Support for your own domain name
Free sub domain...
We use a control panel built specifically for free hosts called Layered Panel. It offers the main features (phpMyAdmin, file upload, Application installer, database management) that most users require.
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