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I keep reading around the net of people making $1,000's through adsense and our sites are brilliant blah blah, but no one ever shares their urls to see these fantastic websites..
so do you make a good amount of money on your website or blog?
If can could you share with us your url so we...
I have 1 x PHP Link Directory (link back retained) available for sale - normal price $30
Open to offers....
It's attached to a domain, but can easily be changed to what ever domain you would like.
Thanks :)
Creation Date: 29-aug-2011
Expiration Date: 29-aug-2013
Creation Date: 01-apr-2011
Expiration Date: 01-apr-2014
Both domains with godaddy - free transfer if you are on the same system
Please check out - - as for some reason there are two posts
I have two php link directory licenses up for grabs...
Open offers
They can also come with two domain names if needed
Again open to offers...
Do these all work with the UK?
As I'm found some that don't... I'm currently using google adsense, but have got stuck at £55 and cannot seem to get the last £5 to get my first cheque - well pain in the butt
I have two php link directory licenses up for grabs...
Can be sold either sep. or together...
Open to offers - paypal payment only please.
They can also come with the following domains
Both again open to offers