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I love to host you on a new brand hosting panel. VestaCP (I love the OpenSource term).
If you don't mind to be hosted on a simple and open source hosting panel.
Else, I can offer you free cPanel hosting (which is boring IMHO).
I'm testing out a new Control Panel named VestaCP, thus I'm offering a Free Hosting using it.
The VestaCP is installed on a capable running cPanel VPS but I prefer the open source one.
If you interested to try it or simply want Free Hosting, please PM me.
The server is located in LA.
I can host you on one of my Private servers.
You can choose between two locations:
1. Florida, Tampa (cPanel) - recommended
2. Kansas City (DirectAdmin)
PM me if want it.
IMO, Fantastico / Softaculous is used to skip some basic installation.
Anyway, I can host you on my private server in Kansas City as long as it is legal. Shoot me a PM.