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That's a yes and no.
Yes, the United States of America came into being on the 4th of July 1776.
But the United States acted more like 13 different countries until 1789 when the federal government was established and George Washington was elected as the first president.
oh yeah...i...
Those are a bunch of BS! The biggest of that is the Pentagon crash. The Pentagon is within a one mile radius of Rosslyn, Pentagon City, and Crystal City where there is many towers overlooking the crash site. Many people saw the event occur from those buildings. Although my mom works in...
This is horrible news! Government owned Amtrak, America's only national passagers railroad company could shutdown as soon as Wednesday. This would cause travel problems nationwide, but mainly in the northeastern part of the nation. States railroad companies and local communting rails would be...
that's because this is OLD NEWS
heard about years ago on the Discovery channel
the problem w/ our current teleportation technology is that it isn't advance enough to telephone something bigger than a few atoms
In Vietnam, they don't enforce which side of the road you drive on that much. Mainly cause most of the roads, even paved one, doesn't have lanes marking on them. And there isn't that many cars around, just motocycles and bikes. Many vehicles going in opposite directions in the same lanes is...
i dare u to go over there and say that in front of their faces (government)! :p
under their current system, its not that simple for them to take away those restrictions; their communist government would fall the very same way the USSR did
Red China have to set restrictions on the internet. That is extremely important in controlling ideas coming into the country. The internet is an excellent way of get words out and spreading ideas. These ideas may be able to deprogram brainwashed chinese in the PRC. I don't like nor support...
The Onion recently wrote an article about Congress threatening to leave Washington, if they don't get a new building.
It was by all mean a joke, but the Chinese actually fell for the gag...
no, unliked u who was brainwash by the chinese communists, i'm not "brainwashed"
i spended a lot of time researching the conflicts history in the region covering the last 2 centuries and if anyone is to blame are the Arabs states
the Arabs only have one goal, to destory the jewish state