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Works just like - fill in a long website url and a short url that has been set to redirect to your original url is generated.
Yep the best subdomain service out there is now ad-free!!
Im puzzled why I still haven't kicked --------'s ---! Help me! :-) :biggrin2: :P
I run a subdomain redirect service called
I've been frustrated with the popup performance of the only company I could find that does not restrict sites like mine from being publishers.
Does anyone know any good ad networks that allow redirect services? We are still offering the shortest free subdomain you will find anywhere (can't contest that!).
The advertising practice we follow publishes only one small pop-in now.
Even then its negliable! If you as a speculator can't make enough off investing in thousands of domains for the difference in registration fees to be miniscule - then you must get out of the business!
:-) :applaudin
Im proud to announce on this forum first the launch of redirection! This is just step one for us in creating a general webmaster interest site! Be the first ones to sign up!
Would any issue arise over buying a PDA in the US and using it in the UK? Can you imagine any compatibility issues that could possibly arise down the line?
There is no prestige.
If there was prestige then the customer who is aware of both Godaddy and would choose However, in this situation the customer always chooses Its an awareness issue.