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Nothing wrong with that! You can have the heat if you want it. It's actually fairly pleasant outside at night right now although I'm heading out to Southern California for the weekend tomorrow. Supposed to be in the 70's and 80's there! :beer:
I have Cox High-Speed Internet which is usually one of the best. However when they go down, it seems like it can take them a while to get it fixed. It went down a couple of months ago for about 12 hours. Then last night it went down again and still wasn't up when I got up this morning. No...
If I remember correctly, I think The Woodlands is one of the places where people were evacuating to! So I assume it's out of the path although I haven't bothered to look it up yet.
When I used Firefox, nothing ever opened in tabs. I didnt know you had to click with a different button to use them. I like AOL Explorer as linked sites automatically open in a new tab.