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Better to use some custom prefixes for your email.
A lot of people use sales @
support @
info @
create something unique and I believe you will be getting less and less spam.
You need to be sure that you need VPS. In any case you know that some VPS (check lowendbox) can do you VPS which are cheaper then most shared plans.
But you need to have a reason for upgrade. If everything is fine on your current VPS - relax.
Thake it easy and contact web hosting company first and ask them about that. I'm sure in the most cases you will be able to geat a deal and those 4-5 days ;)
Do you have domain name already?
What sort of email are you going to setup and for which purpose?
Perhaps you will be able to use email client like Thunderbird instead?
I think that you will never understand which one is better unless you try. Check both of them for moneyback. And then signyup with both of them and test everything around - then stay with the one which you like more.