Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
I'm interested in doing link exchanges with your free or paid web hosting sites. I have more web hosting and webmaster related sites on which I can offer you a link ranging from PR1 to PR4.
Please PM me your URLs if you are interested.
Note: I'm also willing to pay for links from your web...
No sorry, I design non-animated banners only. However, I'm still interested in getting links from you. Can you please PM me the URLs of your sites on which you can offer me links?
I use Godaddy, but I hate their shopping cart process - they force you to buy million things with your domain purchase...
I also use Namecheap and Dynadot.
I need links from your websites or blogs (your site must be at least PR1).
In exchange I can offer my design services for free. I can design free logos, banners, etc. Check out my cheap logos site to see samples.
I can also design you a free Wordpress template if you can offer me a strong...
Thank you guys for your offers. Yes, I was looking for more free accounts on different servers, but don't need more now, so there's no need to post more offers.
Zac & Hamster - thanks for your host accounts!
I need free web hosting with the following features:
- no post 2 host web hosts
- I will be fine with just 5MB of space and 100MB of bandwidth should be enough
- I don't need databases
- I don't need CPanel
- you should have been up for some time, I'm not looking for web hosts that will shut...
Sorry to hear that. I hope this just won't happen to me anytime soon, as I don't have money for a new computer now.
Anyway, are you going to buy a new laptop or a desktop PC? For laptosps, I recommend Toshibas.
I'm looking for a web hosting domain name that is indexed in Google and ranks somewhere for the keyword "cheap web hosting" or "web hosting". You can check your rankings using this tool:
No matter if it is e.g. on the 20th page for "web hosting", I'm interested in it then...
I wonder if I can make a new thread in the Web Hosting Offers forum even if I don't own a web hosting company?
I just want to promote one web hosting company, as I'm their affiliate. I have a coupon that when it is used, I get a commission.