Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
/Peo,'s my Schindler's List.
Please fill in the blanks.
1. Keagle is Kurtis.
2. Tree is Trevor.
3. MTC is Justin.
4. Johnson is Devin.
5. Colin is ____
6. Nugi is ____
7. Iyeru is ____
8. Jan is _____
9. Peo is Jelsoft
10. _____ is _____
Try posting an application at Water Seven. See if our admins will accept you.
But just a word of warning, if your site generates high traffic because of unlawful activities, then never even try to submit an application though. It will be...
Here's the Web Hosting Policy.
Here's the application procedure.
Here's if you want to know about us.
Now it's up to you to do your homework.
Go to Water Seven,, and see if you will like our community and free web hosting policy.
Here's the TOS.
We've been offering free domains before but not now.
If you don't have domain name you will be given a subdomain * which is short enough to use.
No free webhost was reliable enough to offer services that can cater our humble projects' needs. Even paid hosts, they failed us. So we finally bought a server of our own and offer to others the space we don't use.
1. Fine Spot Network has been offering free web hosting for one and a half year now.
2. Our Water Seven server has 2000GB/month bandwidth and we are only using 2% of it.
3. Fine Spot Network support European and some Asian Languages.
Visit our server, Water Seven.