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I've tried Xen VPS before and yes, they do perform better than OpenVZ but a Xen VPS with the specs. that I needed was more expensive than the Dedicated Server that I have now.
My site was too big for a VPS, just like a site being too big for a Shared Host, there comes a time where you just need to upgrade to the next level and I'm pretty sure you guys know that... This only happened during the last week and I was already transferring to my Dedicated Server... I'm...
Duration: 1 Month (June 09)
VPS Plan: Bronze - Germany
First of all, I've seen many Negative reviews about and I really don't know why but for me it has been great. I am no longer with them since I have outgrown my VPS and I have moved to a Dedicated Server...
Anything less than $60 per year.
No I am not looking for the cheapest one since I need it to be Reliable and Cheap + Reliable don't go together, is just that I have until July 22 to buy so I am doing research for reviews for the providers that have posted here.
I am currently looking for a host that can provide the following:
Space: 1-2 gigs
Bandwidth: 10-15 gigs (Option to upgrade)
Control Panel: Cpanel
Unlimited MySQL
10+ domains as addons
Location: USA
Fast Server
Excellent Uptime (Please provide some stats)
Support: I don't...
My site is only 2 weeks and 2 days old.. I thought it was going to take a few months to get very popular but it only took 1-2 days. As with my previous projects, I've always started small and then upgrade as needed. Right now I know I need to upgrade to a Dedicated Server but only to something...
I'll think about the Core2Duo but I still think thats too powerful..
I just received this email from a host with this offer:
ATOM 330 (dual core) + 2GB RAM + 200GB HDD + 10mbit Unmetered Bandwidth (About 3,3000 gigs/month) + Direct Admin For $54/month | Free Setup
Anything like this or...
Thanks for the offers but:
1- Price is out of my budget
2- Those servers are way too powerful for my site right now.
Do any of you have a less powerfull server but that meets my bandwidth requirement?
LSComputers, I am going to email you bout the Core 2 Duo....
I am looking for a High Bandwidth Dedicated Server. Right now I am hosting my site in a VPS but it has been suspended twice already for High CPU/Load usage.
Specs that I am looking for:
CPU: Something decent, it doesn't need to be really powerful but at least better than a...