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They do? I dont see any!
I dont see any ads! Where are these 'ads' on the pages? i have tried 2 pages, SuperWavs (as above) and one of my friends sites, and I dont see any adverts on the pages. (I do see one on SuperWavs, however this is not's advertising). I don't...
Make sure...
With DomainZero, make sure that you select 'Use your own nameservers' in the box above the area to type your nameservers. I cannot say much about using Virtual Avenue with DomainZero, because i have never used it with a domain name, I just use it with my free webspace provider. is good :-) is a good server, they have unlimited space (like they say), and there are no ads. I have used them for my previous website and am going to use them for my upcoming site.