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Search results

  1. G

    Latest Design (Hip-Hop Site)

    Nice site, like the hip hop header :) Loaded fast for me so VPS must be performing ok.
  2. G

    PimpMyUpload - Please Review

    This site is showing as offline (404) for me.
  3. G

    pls review my humor site

    that one put me off my lunch, a blast from the early 90's.... Id recommend getting your $'s back from the seller.
  4. G

    Honest Feed Back Needed

    WOW, thats truly terrible. You are honestly worthy of a webpagesthatsuck listing. Good luck with getting it fixed up. :beer:
  5. G

    Please review my site:

    Im not a fan of this site, Do not like the brash mix of colours. The fonts are a bit dull. There is a whole lot of information, too much to keep interest. :angel:
  6. G

    Please Review My 'Things To Do' Website

    Nice to see something different. id suggest a change of fonts. I also noticed you are using images as navigation items, especially for the category links. Id strongly suggest you change these to html/css and generally do some seo to the site. Surely your database will be populating these...
  7. G

    AHPlace.com - Please review!

    Not a bad site. Its relatively well laid out, a bit sparce. Forums could do with a skin design to match the site, it sticks out a bit at the moment. Not a massive fan of the logo, might be better once xmas is over. :beer:
  8. G

    My New Site

    This site is showing 404 error to me.
  9. G

    ProntoHost UK - 5 Free Accounts to go!

    Would you consider extending the free offer to me in exchange for a few links back to your site and a full review of your company on my stie?
  10. G

    Website Design - Free!

    I am in need of a re-design of my site www.getfreelancing.com . Can you do that free as a folio builder? :beer:
  11. G

    Professional Webdevelopment Offer

    William PM me your pricing information.
  12. G

    Hearing stuff about adsense... Your suggestions please

    I've been using adsense for 2.5 years now and have never ran into such problems. I've used bidvertiser on a few adult sites and not had any problems, although there ads/$ are not quite as good. It's a possibility to setup image screening on your image hosting directory which responds by...
  13. G

    google adsense banned me...

    I agree with the pro google guys here im afraid, they are doing thing better than everyone, banning for legit reasons (if your friend clicks your adsense he is no friend, repeated clicks from the same i.p is a ground for banning), launching service after service to us whilst providing ethical...
  14. G

    Free advertising for hosts

    I am now offering free bold listings for those who list their hosting plans before the 1st December. I must have some decent hosts signed up to take on the clients that will be generated by my campaign.
  15. G

    Review my directory

    No Feedback There seems to be a silence in my thread, does no one have any comments. Looking for positive and negative feedback.
  16. G

    Review my directory

    Review my new directory site www.getahost.co.uk All comments appreciated and criticism taken on board. Thanks.
  17. G

    Hi Newbie here

    Hi guys, Im new to the business and forums, just thought id pop up and say hi, looking forward to learning a lot on here. :beer: Cheers
  18. G

    ThE LongesT ThreaD EveR

    This really is the longest thread ever.. someone submit it to guiness world records!
  19. G

    Putting a price on a domain

    Ive just read a few other posts requesting similar help, and I see it is ok to actually post the domain. Those I own and am looking to put a price on are www.getfreelancing.com and www.getfreelancing.co.uk (currently simple affiliate sites) Another point to mention is earnings of approx...
  20. G

    Putting a price on a domain

    I have been running a small freelancer portal for about 2 years now, it has pr4 and about 80 uniques a day (with no advertising / effort). I'm now thinking of selling the domain, but am unsure how much to ask for it. Can anyone recomend any formula, or failing that online service to...