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if i make a file say called data.txt or something stupid and in this file it has lines like this
john doe|18|14|jeff|green
where john doe is the name then the age and then lets say fav number and then fav color
how do i have it read this file and print on the page
name: john doe... i think they have a bandwidth protector
but if in doubt you will definitly find them there.
i'd use spaceports but i liek ssi kus i liek to put liek a full page design and i can jus use ssi to put a special header with a menu across it kind aliek freewbespace and i can jus edit one file to change it and its simpel for me
kus i hate frames they are lame
i have mp3s that range from 1 to 3 megs and are my own original creation and if i make a site and put these on there i would want the visitors to be able to jus click the link and it starts to download not click to xdrive have to sign up click this click that click this click that and then get...
ok i got it to work with this :
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
if ($go eq "contact") {
&contact ();
elsif ($go eq "downloads") {
&downloads ();
else {
&main ();
sub main {
print qq~<html>
this is...
if u do it with
if ($query eq "main") {
if ($query eq "contact") {
how would u make it so if u called sumthing that wasn't there u could redirect it to anotha sub routine like an error subroutine
dont mind me im a moron...
im writing a simple script and i need to know how u make it so when u put like http://mydomain/cgi/script.cgi?something
that it would go to the subroutine in the script that corrosponds with that u type in after the ?
any and all help is apreciated