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/Peo, is the perfect host for you.
We have a limit of 4 resellers per server, which guarantees our servers are always fast and stable.
Providing the reseller hosting for over 1 year now.
Signup today, your account will be instantly created, so you can immediately login.
What is Paypal Download Manager?
Paypal Download Manager is an extensive and powerful script to run your own fully automated product delivery website. This allows you to sell digital goods and offer instant downloads to your customers. You simply use the control panel to add products and they...
High speed servers with 99.9% SLA uptime guaranteed! is the perfect host for you.
We have a limit of 4 resellers per server, which guarantees our servers are always fast and stable.
Providing the reseller hosting for over 1 year now.
Signup today, your account will be...
Dear BJordanR63, Custom Resellers can offer you:
15 GB of Space (Upgradeable to 20 GB when required)
250 GB* of Bandwidth
Unlimited Features
cPanel + WHM + Fantastico
Monthly Price: USD 10
Yearly Price: USD 100 (2 months off)
As this is a custom plan, please PM me, or email me...
Darthvadersmaster, if you still have this request open, I will be able to offer this to you, from
4 GB Space (Upgradeable free to 5 GB*)
50 GB Bandwidth (Upgradeable free to 60 GB*)
Unlimited Features
cPanel + Fantastico
Yearly Price: USD 20 (2 Months Free)
Monthly Price: USD 2...
I could perhaps probably be able to beat the price if you lowered your terms a little, but I am not sure if anyone can actually offer you 50 GB of space, for just 30 USD.
I might be able to squeeze you in a little if you can fit for 40 GB space, by moving my clients to another server.
Hello, is able to offer you this custom package:
1 GB Space
100 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Features
99% Uptime
cPanel + Fantastico
Cost: Only USD 5.99 per month or USD 60 a year (2 months free) .
Payment Gateways: Paypal, Credit Card
As this is a custom plan, please notify us to...
Well thats quite true.
Whois Guard can come in very handy ;)
If you are still interested, I can try hosting you for the first month. We'll see how things go.
What comes with this "beta" plan is:
1 GB Space
100 GB Bandwidth - I'll try to upgrade as you need it, because 200 GB is a hard thing...
Hey. I posted that if you noticed. And anycase, I would not suggest you using free resellers because they are succumb to closing down, no money and etc.
Trust me.
But if you like, i can do a special reseller for you. Just PM me
Hello threadwhisper.
I am willing to try this out with you.
Is it possible if you were to email me at websoft.ld @ or MSN at chen_ze_wei @