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i need remote desktop account to download and upload my files
min space : 15 giga
bandwidth: unmetered
connection speed: 100 mba or 1000
i wait the offeres
budget: depend on offeres provided
e cpanel software is ok
but the server is overloaded and 500 internal server error appear to me when i using the site
so the uptime not grauntee
i donot need a reseller
i will pay for company for customers that will take a spaces on them servers just i will take my own comission did you understand me
i will pay money for company from my customers but i need a reliable fast good host for this
best regard
if you have a reliable web hosting resouceses plz read this
my need is very simple i need a some one that have a web hosting company
i will buy from him a web space for my customers
and i will pay for him at the end of each month
the money depend on the number of customer that i...
sain cai
i suggest to read the title of thread before reply
one year of free hosting not free hosting which is mean that one year just, after that your are free to stay or transfer to another host
the transfer process is free at all hosting service provider
and if you are not...
i think my thread was not directed toward san cai to give me the host , so plz get out from here bcoz i do not like you very much plz
second :
You offered 50$ a month for paid reselling hosting
yes i offered that but was for different domain hunney and this money was belong to comany...
hey everyy one should keep his mouth closed
i accept all offers but if one would give me this space i will not reject okay
i accepet all others offeres with any kind !!!!!
read my article carfully
hello ,,
i have a new doamin
and i am searching for space for image and file hosting
instead of the space i will display ads such as google ads
if any intrested plz pm me with space accout info and your ads codes to put it
in the site
note: the space needed 50 gb...