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Hello there, i want to make a site which contains Proxy redirection, Arcade games and some other stuff. I have a domain already.
I require arround 500mb space, and 5gb bandwith with cpanel if possible.
ammaR -
I need hosting. Please help me. I have a domain and I need 200Mb space and 4GB bw. There will be a board for asian people and other services.If possible no ads please.
WherezHost Free #1
Space: 50MB
Bandwith: 250MB
Max Ftp Accounts: 15
Max Email Accounts: 15
Max Email Lists: 15
Max SQL Databases: 15
Max Sub Domains: 15
Max Parked Domains: 1
Max Addon Domains: 1
Post Required: 0
WherezHost Free #2...