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ws_ftp pro 7.04.........all my friends have problems with other ftp programs, but once I get them on ws_ftp everything is gravy it's fast, easy, and has a clean and decipherable interface........cuteftp is freakin' confusing.
i'm quite happy with my hosting package right now, which stands at 24.95 for 500MB of space and 20GB of bandwidth, however I'm growing, so I'm considering adding on 250MB of space and an extra 15GB of bandwidth. total this will cost 42.90 per month for 750MB of space per month, and 35GB of...
I'd be forever greatful.....
I'm interested in starting a radio station so I need to find a place that will cover the requirements for that. right now I run a site that snaps up all 20GB of bandwidth I'm alotted (it's an mp3 site), so I'm looking for outside sources. I've heard about...