Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
I usually like to keep my address private.
Real Name and Location isnt the primary way of contacting someone its mainly email when your in my situation which you dont know. I would explain it all, but i dont think this is a Support Area, unless neccessary.
I do also have a personal life, including going to go and eat! Pff, look at your REP.
Including, what both sides of the story, this topic was about THE SPEED OF THE SUPPORT!
3rd Time Try:, their support service leads to, which then i said that has a slow support service and that it should be as important as Hosting services.
Understand? Or still confused...?
Do you have a SmartPhone, or even a MobilePhone? If your answer is a yes then we have just the right place for you and many thousands of people across the world. Smart Phone Arena provides many features, including:
Customize your phone with Wallpapers, Videos, Ringtones, Games, Applications...
What im saying is that (HostingDepartment Domains) has a bad service of support. I said "HostingDepartment" because thats where leads to for support. They have a bad service of support but a great service on hosting. They should improve the support.
Ive emailed...
Im looking for a free web hosting provider who can provide me:
250MB Diskspace
10GB Bandwith
10 Per Feature or more!
cPanel / Fantastico
phpAdsnew (In Fantastico)
Stats of your uptime
I am willing to give/pay back:
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Link on View Forum
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My website/forum is a PR4...
Yeah i signed up to the forum but when i requested in the application, it came up with an error (something about a key) so i just left it..:cry2: (Maybe you can PM me details?)
PS: I didnt recieve any emails other than the welcome to the forum >.<
I am in need of :
Diskspace - 100MB (Max)
Bandwith - 1GB (Max)
3-5 Features Each
I accept ads (Footer Only If Possible)
NO Posting!
I need this A.S.A.P!
Do you have a SmartPhone, or even a MobilePhone? If your answer is a yes then we have just the right place for you and many thousands of people across the world. Smart Phone Arena provides many features, including:
Customize your phone with Wallpapers, Videos, Ringtones, Games, Applications...
Hi, i am intrested in this offer. Although please PM me details on the hosting company you own and what type (post 2 host, paid 2 host, free...etc)
Im the co-owner of