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Hello all,
I've been on the hunt for years for the host to suit my needs from site to site and I'm back to it again.
My current site is Wordpress with a phpBB forum supporting it. It's a review site with 10-15 images per article, so fairly graphics-heavy. I've been the VPS route and would...
Hello one and all, as you can see, I'm a veteran. I've been around for a good while and now am in need of a good, RELIABLE host to host my band's site. I don't want to pay for service that's going to be offline often or offline completely during a month I've paid for. No fly-by-night's.
Hello there!
I've been hosting my site for almost five years now. It's a decent scale site with a quarter of a million posts and over 1,000 members. But I actually just need to slap a few images and links up to let people know that my site is returning soon.
I will definitely be going back...
I definitely say quality is above all most important, but a nice mix of both is great when it's possible.
I look at it like this; If I'm paying $3 a month and getting a very above average amount of space and bandwidth, am I really paying the host to spend their time taking care of my support...
I have no choice but to request a brief intermission. This is getting out of hand your honor.
Now everyone step into the next room, we'll be serving beer and pretzels.
You know it. Now to get myself a huge sound system for it... Why haven't we started a Sopranos site by now?
I should also add that I relax by watching Sopranos. It really takes my mind off of the life revolving around me. It's cheaper than a vacation and will have to do for now..
If you're not in the US, you probably won't care much about this article... for now (it'll all carry over if the contraversy doesn't get too high I'd say). But you'll probably enjoy reading it anyway.
Read the article HERE.
For it or against it, is that even a relevant question anymore? It...
The only thing besides the code ^ mentioned that I noticed was the uptime log link on the nav panel is a bit crammed together with the lower case t and the i.
Looks good, though. Doesn't look like any other hosts site I've been to, and that gets good points in my book.