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Search results

  1. F

    Ruby on Rails/Cpanel Hosting

    Thanks for the replies guys. I'll take some time to look over the offers and get back to some of you ASAP.
  2. F

    Ruby on Rails/Cpanel Hosting

    To execute commands for RoR I could also develop locally if I had to if I could get a better deal without ssh?
  3. F

    Ruby on Rails/Cpanel Hosting

    Hi, I'm looking to pay yearly at around the $50 range for a host that offers RoR and Cpanel. As far as the plan goes I'd like to see: - Around 5gb+ of space - 25gb+ of B/W - Unlimited (mysql, email, domain addon, ftp) - Shell Access Can anyone help me out?
  4. F

    requesting temporary(?) domain hosting

    thanks for the offers, ill be contacting some of you shortly. but is there anyone in the off chance able to offer ruby on rails? its not important but if it was availible id like to jump on that.
  5. F

    requesting temporary(?) domain hosting

    Hi, my hosting at dreamhost is running out in a month and i need to get out of there. their hosting is ok but the lack of a cpanel is killing me. my site is a e-zine, blog, gallery, community for the lakeshore area here in michigan. its not exactly 'launched' yet but i do have the design...
  6. F

    help with forum software

    anyone know of any forum software that uses frames? im looking for somethign that is similar to http://www.mma.tv/TUF or http://www.fightsport.com anyone have any idea?
  7. F

    in desperate need of a new host.

    well vegs, when i first contacted him we exchanged several emails every day for the span of almost 3 weeks. then at one point he tells me that they are setting up new servers for www.intensewebhosting.com and ive lost contact with him. but in the end, youre right.
  8. F

    in desperate need of a new host.

    i had originally signed up with digcor.com's re-seller account because they had told me they would offer me anything i needed. well for the past while ben from digcor has not returned my emails so i am looking to move my site. i am looking to get a plan similar to that of which i have now...
  9. F

    would anyone be willing to host my site?

    this is mostly a personal site with the usual suspects. a weblog, some media (mostly photos i snap when im with my friends), some writing, etc. i mostly have the website to mess with design and php as im only a novice at programming and like to try new things. i hope that answers some...
  10. F

    would anyone be willing to host my site?

    i am looking for someone to host my personal site for me. no porn, etc etc. i have a forum already, so i wont need that hosted. i am currently working on the design, so if you would like to see that first, then thats dandy. i used to have my site at www.superphats.net but the domain ran...
  11. F

    ASP/PHP host

    sorry for the redundant question, but i did a search and couldnt exactly find what i needed. id like.. 200-300mb atleast 2gb of transfer unlimited mysql databases (or atleast 4-5) unlimited sub-domains (or a bunch of them) 25+ pop3 email accounts unlimited ftp accounts ssi and most...
  12. F

    gettong free promotional items to give away on your site

    in the past i have heard of people doing this, but ive never really thought about it doing it until now. but i was wondering if anyone knew the correct way about going around doing this? do you contact every company/record label/group that you can think of? or is there something more...
  13. F

    Please take a look

    i believe the script is called b2 and can be found at http://b2.dayzero.org/ and to everyone else, thanks for the compliments. more comments are welcomed :D
  14. F

    Please take a look

    thanks everyone for taking a peek at the site Phuzion, i forgot to mention that in my original post. Ill be changing those to images soon.
  15. F

    Please take a look

    i spent last night putting this together please take note... - the page might look really small in bigger resolutions - im not sure how this page looks in Netscape, so if anyone could help me out with that - i think i have to redo the banner a little bit - and there might be some strong...
  16. F

    What do you use to make your website?

    i guess im nuts, but i find it amusing people would spend the extra time coding it by hand in notepad or some other text program when they could just use dreamweaver. Now, i could understand why you would go to a text editor to work on your page when youre trying to implement a script... i...
  17. F

    One Style?

    Use a content management system (cms, or sometimes referred to as a cmp) But this involves PHP, ASP, CGI, or someother scripting language. PHP may be the best choice because it would most likely use a mysql database. check out http://www.typo3.com (i think thats it) otherwise go to...
  18. F

    domainzero and nameservers

    when entering the name servers, must we include the ip #s aswell? such as.... ns0.host.com ns1.host.com or can we just enter in ns0.host.com ? ive never set this up before and would appreciate any help, thanks