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hi klarth,
Well, direct admin and all takes up about 80 mb ram on the system (just checked it)
So that leaves some buffer. Direct Admin is installed for free, and it's really handy!
By the way, we take paypal
Thank you,
I can deliver a
p3 700 mhz
and 128 mb ram
8 gb hard drive
350 gb transfer
Free directadmin
$35 a month
The only problem is, that its not yet ready to be setup.
The package you mention below, is from a DC who only has a 3mbit connection (for all the servers!!!!)...
We have also have a server with that kind of b/w.
You can contact me at:
If you are intrested, please send a email to with some more specs (hardware specs)
Thank you
I might be able to offer you a plan.
But can you give me a rough guess how much space and transfer you need.
You can also contact me on my pm, for a very special offer!
Let me know,
I hope you have not yet made up your mind yet, i have a package to offer as well.
i can offer you 2 gb space and 250 gb transfer for 19 dollar a month.
This would unclude 10 mysql databases (more if needed) and unlimited email accounts!
We offer 24/7 support.
You can contact me...
well, the whois and everything might be updating. I know .com/.net/.org are very quick with updating at the moment. But .info's have another main registar.
I can offer you the package you requested at 40 dollar a year (500 mb space and 15 gb transfer)
With all the options you list except cpanel, we replace that with Direct Admin, which is top notch! ( You can find more information on our website...
i can offer this with directadmin, (and installatron, which sort of fantastico).
750 mb space
25 gb transfer
it includes all the options exept cpanel (which we replace with
for 50 dollar a year, we offer quality support and we do not oversell!
If you...