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Maybe the government doesn't like the keyword 'BusinessWeek'? :) There is no pr0n up there.
Edit: Sorry for the last post, abboodeh. I didn't know that it's blocked by the Kuwait government. Never seen such thing before. :)
Very funny, abboodeh! :eek3:
It's a fake screenshot! I've been using the shortering service for a long time and they don't have such error pages! Please delete the above screenshot.
Thank you.
Pretty complex solution. Read this article. I'm using it myself. Works perfectly. As everything is coming from the MySQL database you can code any tool you want.
To connect to POP3 you can use:
1) PHP built-in functions:
2) Find a...
Find a developer who will do it for you. All sites are different so there can't be any ready to use scripts. Just let somebody do the job for you using PHP and jQuery. :)
Right now Adsense and Chitika works for me. I also tried Adbrite and Kontera but they didn't perfom very well. Seems like it all depends on the niche. People still make big money with Adbrite and Kontera. But for me it didn't work. So I'm happy with Adsense and Chitika. :)
You should try Amazon S3 service. There are some scripts out that use the Amazon S3 service. It fast and you can host as much files you want. You just pay for the traffic.