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Search results

  1. A

    Free Vbulliten!!

    looks like a scam?
  2. A


    space is around less than 100 mb if you didn't install arcade. bandwidth less than 5gig if its small.
  3. A

    free downloadable forum

    Mybb wasn't bad.I like their forum layout.
  4. A

    free downloadable forum

    He just say he wants FREE Vbulletin is commercial need licensed.
  5. A

    IPB Portal

    hmm, I thought Ipb 2.0.0 and above need licensed too
  6. A

    free downloadable forum

    Use phpbb or yabbse.
  7. A

    IPB Portal

    Oh Maybe you can try http://www.invisionize.com
  8. A

    IPB Portal

    IPB is not longer free to download.But you can still search for it.
  9. A

    Script for IPB 1.3 final or 1.3

    Erm, If i have ipb2.0 Can I use it? without licensed?
  10. A

    Script for IPB 1.3 final or 1.3

    www.lowyat.net They are using trial version but they have already exceed the limit
  11. A

    My link page.( for fun)

    Lolz, sure Just to link up some blog links and others site. ^^
  12. A

    My link page.( for fun)

    Just make this for fun.Add your site if want http://www.crapz.net/links
  13. A

    Any malaysians here?

    Topic says
  14. A


    Lolz, that's what the site for :P
  15. A

    What is your first thought?

    What's your first thought when you hear Crapz
  16. A


    Yea i know I just want some comment about the index page :D
  17. A


    I've open my site crapz.net Comments are welcome http://www.crapz.net