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The please register popup was a little strage (and huge). Maybe keep the font size the same as it is on the main site, and it will give a better first impression.
I liked the news postings - I found out when GTA:VC was going to be released on PC :)
And the site design/layout is attractive...
It seems impractical to me. Although from what I've seen, most phones w/ built in cameras don't cost any more than past phones without them. I've not used/seen one used before though - how do you get the images off the camera?
I think there's a lot of details that we simply do not know. I've not yet decided if I'm for war or against it, because I don't have enough information.
I do however support the men and women who are willing to give their lives to protect certain freedoms we have, like the freedom to protest war.
Here's my 2 cents.
"Portland you have to have your own domain name.."
How else would you do it? Very few will want to signup on a sub domain of a subdomain. If you can't get a domain name for your service, then perhaps you shouldn't offer free webhosting.
"Muttle is messed up and...
I should also mention that the original starter of this thread, ncben was one of the people responsible for this. 98% of the files placed on my server were being linked to from his hkpopmusic site.
I am the owner of My generous offer to members of my website worked out just fine, until a few jackasses ruined it yesterday by breaking into the management system and uploading 1GB of illegal mp3s, costing $2000 (yes, $2000) in bandwidth. It's people like that which made...