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I have heard that F2S has a problem with the IP protocol that Perl uses. I read something of a fix at...
I've never tried it though.
Here's a link... CGI Scripts
That should answer all questions.
It might just be the server you're on meow. Maybe they all don't have the auto-association.
You do not need a cgi-bin folder to run F2S CGI scripts. The location of Perl at F2S is /usr/bin/perl. And do not chmod the scripts at all. F2S does the association server-side.
The five tiered ring would refer to the Pentagon. I just heard it called that.
The City of God could be so many cities, many of which aren't in the US.
I also saw a quote from Mike (Nostradamus) that was particularly close to this incident but then it said the date was 1651. The guy died...
Odd...I downloaded the newest beta too (3.4.3) and you make the folders for the files but there're .tar files that you also upload. The script then unzips the .tar files into the appropriate directories.
Two steps...
1) You go to and login to your account.
2) Click on the website link and scroll all the way down.
That's where it tells you your FTP address and also your root or base directory.
Umm....I never signed up with any of those services and I got an e-mail from them with all the info about my account. Once I saw that I had to sign up for services I really had no use for, I closed the window. It seems they set up the account before you have to sign up for anything. I could...
jiminsd: They have an automatic inline ad that's placed at the top and there're also pop-up ads.
LeX: The size of the pop-up ad may not matter to you but the fact that VirtualAve's pop-up ad is almost twice as big as Netfirms' might influence someone else's choice.
Since I don't know which code you're wanting your newsforum to run on and since a PHP/SQL answer has been given, a CGI solution would be News Publisher.
Lemme get this straight; you want a newsboard and a forum combined? As in, certain people post news and the visitors can post their comments? Or am I thinking or something different?