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I think about 25-50 GB
That's cool, but i m not interested for post 2 host coz i dont have time to do this.
I can give good backlinks too back, pr3+
So if u give a more space 5-10gb, leav a msg.
I just need a lil bit space, 500-1000mb to test something.
And it's YouTube converter website which i code atm.
So if u can help, plz leav a msg.
I use:
jPlayer is the completely free and open source (GPL/MIT) media library written in javascript. A jQuery plugin, jPlayer allows you to rapidly weave cross platform audio and video into your web pages.
Try it out.
At work I am forced to used IE8. As for my personal choice and what I use, I have always gravitated to Firefox, but lately I find I probably use Chrome 60% of the time, Firefox 4 25% of the time, and IE9 15% of the time. I definitely notice a speed advantage on Chrome, and that I why it is now...
It's true that everyone have a deam in life and try with all his efforts to achieve them.and of course those dreams change during each step of life there are those who have many dreams and those who ,unfortuntely, kill their dreams. For those who think like that i say that you should believe...