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100GB space and 500GB BW WHM/Cpanel if you pay yearly. your yearly fee will be 60$ and payment mode will be manual by paypal / Libertyreserve . PM me if you are interested or make a support ticket at
Hello guys. I just got a chance to have a corporate membership with a domain Giant. As a result got chance to register .com /.net / .org /.info at only $1 . Thought that it would be great to share it with you all. And as I have some idle Space, I will provide 512 MB of space with 5 GB Bandwidth...
Hello everybody! This is an incredible offer. for some reason, We need to raise the fund in libertyreserve. This packages regular offer is 48$/year. Package contains:
Package: WHM Reseller - starter
Space: 5 GB
Bandwidth: 100 GB
unlimited cpanel accounts
99% uptime
10 accounts available...
for plan A, you have to pay 375 post and for plan B, you have to pay 450 post.
for a real post it needs 10 minutes. 375x10 minutes = 62.5 hours of typing / brain works for PLAN A & 75 hours of typing / brain works for PLAN B .
Does it seems possible? or is it worth for that? Dont you think...
Just found that my paypal is blocked. One of my Hosting relates to a government site is hosted there with a lots of data . Hate paypal. it will take around 3 months to restore the account but I need them now.
If you can pay $10 to hostgator, I can give you one onshore unlimited...
We are offering a very limited number of free reseller hosting accounts to the public!
You can use these accounts to start your own web hosting business selling paid hosting to others!
* Unlimited Sub-Accounts
* 100MB Storage
* 1GB Bandwidth
Nice configuration to start own Business (! )