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There another one, dot-banners look for it at
it costs though, you are unlikely to find a free one, if i were you i would get one made to my needs.
they do offer sub-domains but i dont know how many..
as for MX you have to contact them to chnage but i think they might include it if you ask..
Its know has pre-installed scrpts etc and Allows you to add databases. I have set up three i think thats the limit.
thanks for the great comments..
I will try to fix that problem for NS, (which version?)
I am using the latest beta and it looks fine.
I will think of something to put over the IP and browser
thing. what would you suggest?
I can put a session telling them the amount of visits ...
you might one to check out as you will see alot of peopel to host there, rockets support is very fast, and are very help full..
the second one is better!
The first design i like the navigation menu..
The second one is even better, you should try to
mix both of them to see how it looks.
at hostrocket you can only have one domain per acount...
how ever i dont think you are likely to use more than 10GB a month that easy..
if you only store .zip .exe files then it might. but i usually store my .zip etc files on other free hosts so i dont use up bandwidth.
tera i dont...
Domainzero dont let international uers register free domains anymore but before they did i registerd a domain
for personal use but know for some reason when i go to it says access denied message.
NO login form comes up either?
All i have to say is that..
No one can beat hostrocket for there technical support..
They always reply ASAP. so they had problems, so does ever
other company.
Name me a company who has never had problems..