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You always want to choose someone who can show you their experience and that they know what they are doing.
Some people claim they can do it, but at the end you find out it was not true
Two different sotftwares right there.
If you have the money i will say 100% with no doubt whcms, more reliable, stable better support if you need it and is just the best option out there.
Spam is one of the issues i had faced before with my current hosting company.
I try to check the server and manually check account for suspicious activity.
But is a fight that you never end with.
I started my post host company a while ago. And let me tell you is not easy to get sign ups. Even doe post to host is almost free there are many people who want everything free.
This is my concept, nothing in this life is free, to maintain a server there must be any type of income. So i...
Honestly paid or not every hosting company uses the same type of equipment to host your site.
What it matters is that the person behind the free hosting is taking care of their servers well.
Myself I offer free hosting and the security of my site users is way important to me.
I will say paid hosting is the best option to go if you have the budget to get it.
But i believe there are few free hosting site who are reliable. I believe if free hosting is offered it should be reliable too.
We can host you!
We offer post to host cpanel plans with low post requirements each month
Here is a plan that might interest you.
Personal Plan
5/Post per Month
1GB Storage Space
50GB Monthly Bandwidth
Unmetered of each Cpanel feature.
24/7 Support
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