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managed wordpress hosting

Search results

  1. N

    Cheap Domain Registrars

    Please post your comments here
  2. N

    Address Book?

    Is there any free CGI Address Book in which you can enter and display the names, postal addresses and email addresses of a couple of people? Thanks...
  3. N


    Got this message today: Great.
  4. N

    tripod and f2s questions

    F2S gives 20MB of webspace.
  5. N


    Listen guys, if Yupapa or Russo or whoever wants to do the world a favour and start a free webhost, it's their choice. They aren't forcing you to go and build your webpages there, so leave them alone. Who cares how old they are - age doesn't matter, as long as you do a good job. There are a...
  6. N

    kyd is online

    Eh? I just get 404s on the new member webpages/guestbooks...I suppose that's because they haven't uploaded anything yet.
  7. N

    kyd is online

  8. N

    kyd is online

    From their website: Click here for more information.
  9. N

    what's your opinion of f2s?

    YAY! F2S stopped cache-ing my webpages! This is great :D
  10. N


    http://cgi.resourceindex.com/Programs_and_Scripts/Perl/Calendars/ Never used any of them though..
  11. N

    Free Search Submission

  12. N

    best get paid to surf?

    I use Spedia off and on. They pay about $0.49/hour.
  13. N

    What's the host for these DNS servers?

    Oh. Thank you.
  14. N

    Everyone.net Mail

    Do you mean the MX profile? MX Record hostname: sitemail.everyone.net Preference Value: 0 Action: sitemail.everyone.net
  15. N

    What's the host for these DNS servers?

    What's the host for these DNS servers? NS.HOSTING4U.NET NS2.HOSTING4U.NET ? I get a 404 when i go to http://www.hosting4u.net
  16. N

    Get paid to host?

    Yes. I have a grand total of $0.73 in my account for 1400 page views. You can see the CPM rates here http://www.terrashare.com/sub/rates.html
  17. N


    Unfortunately, it's only for gaming sites :( The guy who runs it said so somewhere in their forums. Also, I signed up a couple of months ago and lost all my files when the server crashed. No backup.
  18. N

    kg namserever changes

    It changes immediately for me.
  19. N

    NBCi Shutting Down?

    Check this thread out: http://www.freewebspace.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=4119