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I'm looking to make a list of free hosts that offer paid hosting too but that are not resellers of HostGator or anything such as Joolo. I'm looking for something more of the type like UMX Host/Server Quick.
So come on in and list your hosting site and also your your minimal free and paid...
Actually, no. They really do offer 7TB of bandwidth. Also, their mail service is Gmail to anyone interested.
I'm looking for shared at this time but once it's up and running I would be moving it to a dedicated server rather than a VPS and why I'm looking that much is because I'm looking for host with whom I could stay and to avoid bothering myself with upgrades.
I'm looking for a host to build up an adult webmaster resources site in the form of either a Wordpress blog or either a CMS such as PHP-Nuke. I'm looking for a host with the following characteristics:
- 50GB space
- 500GB bandwidth
- cPanel
- Subdomains
- hosting...
Well, the thing is I haven't logged in for more than three months and it's still active while it should be inactive. I wish to close it so that if any friend sends a message there, it will be returned. In that case, they'd hit me up instead of sending a message to a mailbox I don't check and...
Does anyone knows how to do that?
I'm getting plenty of spams and all that stuff on Hotmail whilst I only use Yahoo! Mail for contacts by email.
The only thing I use with my Hotmail address for is MSN Messenger.
So is there anyway to close the email service and not the instant messaging...