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Search results

  1. Paul

    Unique XHTML/CSS Hosting design

    This site is now sold Cheers, Paul
  2. Paul

    Unique XHTML/CSS Hosting design

    Thanks, I have a few interested buyers on other forums Cheers, Paul
  3. Paul

    Unique XHTML/CSS Hosting design

    Hi, I am unfortantly selling a webdesign that I absolutly love. I have decided to get out of the webhosting market so I am selling up. The Design Includes: Main Page + 3 Subpages Valid XHTML+CSS Exclusive Rights - Will not be sold again All Javascript/Flash Files PSD's of the site...
  4. Paul

    Is your copy of Photoshop legit?

    I have Adobe Suite CS3, Legit. I did not pay for it, work did
  5. Paul

    Hosting Business Closing, Paid clients free to good home.

    Hi Glenn, Be interested in speaking to you, I already have you on my MSN. I am also setting up my own Australian Webhosting Business, you may be interested. Cheers, Paul
  6. Paul

    16 years old. Too Young?

    Everyone does start from somewhere, even if these people close down after a few weeks they have hopefully learnt by the mistakes that they have made. I know of many people that have started their business as a bedroom based business for it to expand into a multi-million dollar enterprise. All...
  7. Paul

    IPB Licence For Sale

    Licence is now sold
  8. Paul

    IPB Licence For Sale

    How much would you be looking to offer
  9. Paul

    IPB Licence For Sale

    Hi, I am currently *trying* to sell an IP.Board standard licence as I no longer require it. Support and Updates expire on the 03/03/2008 however you are still able to use the software after that. 6 months renewal cost $25 Attached is some screenshots of the client area and info regarding...
  10. Paul

    You can all cheer now

    The world is so twisted
  11. Paul

    You can all cheer now

  12. Paul

    You can all cheer now

    How many 0's does *your* billion have?, it changes between countries
  13. Paul

    Forsale// IP.Board Licence

    Looking for a quick sale - feel free to post your offer
  14. Paul

    Forsale// IP.Board Licence

    It's worth the change :P
  15. Paul

    Forsale// IP.Board Licence

    Price has been reduced to $110 Cheers, Paul
  16. Paul

    What did you get for Christmas?

    Got alot of money from today, thinking of buying myself a HP laptop
  17. Paul

    Crissic Solutions - New Template!

    I find this absolutely disgraceful. People work hard to purchase high end items like this to find that they have been ripped. I may not be talking to you directly however the person that may have sold it to you. I have myself been in the same situation and won. I will support James as he is...
  18. Paul

    Forsale// IP.Board Licence

    I would expect around $120
  19. Paul

    Forsale// IP.Board Licence

    If anyone wishes for any more screenshots of the licence area please feel free to contact me