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I am unfortantly selling a webdesign that I absolutly love. I have decided to get out of the webhosting market so I am selling up.
The Design Includes:
Main Page + 3 Subpages
Exclusive Rights - Will not be sold again
All Javascript/Flash Files
PSD's of the site...
Hi Glenn,
Be interested in speaking to you, I already have you on my MSN. I am also setting up my own Australian Webhosting Business, you may be interested.
Everyone does start from somewhere, even if these people close down after a few weeks they have hopefully learnt by the mistakes that they have made.
I know of many people that have started their business as a bedroom based business for it to expand into a multi-million dollar enterprise. All...
I am currently *trying* to sell an IP.Board standard licence as I no longer require it. Support and Updates expire on the 03/03/2008 however you are still able to use the software after that. 6 months renewal cost $25
Attached is some screenshots of the client area and info regarding...
I find this absolutely disgraceful. People work hard to purchase high end items like this to find that they have been ripped. I may not be talking to you directly however the person that may have sold it to you.
I have myself been in the same situation and won. I will support James as he is...