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Not Anima but Anime :)
Porn? If you're talking about sites that offer hentai stuff, then I understand your concern. But it's the same as with non-anime websites: some people put porn pictures on their sites, but others put pictures of beautiful models in swim-suits. You can forbid pictures of...
I think that the best solution for you is FTP.
Set up guest account with a limit of 1 seesion at a time, and all your problems should be solved. People wouldn't even need FTP client to download things. Just give them direct links like: or...
What exactly do you have problem with?
First, you must run setup.php3 from "chat" folder, and just follow the instructions. Most of things are done automatically, you only have to create one table (you can use phpMyAdmin for this). After everything is done, use phpMyChat.php3 if you want to...
They really offer 300GB (three hundred gigabytes) of bandwidth per month (yes, month) at
I had an account there for few weeks, so I can tell you it's flaws:
- you can use only theirs subdomain ( or some sort of redirection; domains are not allowed
- no...
In Poland, they were in such a hurry with HL2, they put defective CDs in boxes :shame: Maybe they wanted to record them too quickly??
BTW: found on the net :biggrin2:
It sounds like, in your opinion, hosting your site should be an honour for a hosting company. It doesn't work that way.
For an account with 2GB of space, and 5GB bandwith/month you must usually pay more or less 100$ per year. In that case, why should anyone give it to you completely for free...
I wonder if that's really true... Well, I guess we'll see sooner or later.
BTW: I just saw It seems google and mozilla like eachother :)
So, if I understand correctly, your directory looks like this:
In that case, try this in index.php:
<? include("../includes/nav.php") ?>
These two dots are telling PHP, that it should go back one folder, and search for...
Aren't these limitations a little bit ridiculous?
"I'm sorry, there's already 200 members. Until administrator pay us money, there's no way you can sign up here."
I just made that up, but still...
People are lazy these days :)
v1.1.2 (look for
v1.2 (look for attachement in the first message)
I couldn't find 1.1.1 using google, but if you really need it, I think I have it somewhere on CD.
"Created around the free domain"? I'm not sure what that means either.
Anyway, I understand your reasons why you added such a requirement into ToS, but I still don't like it. It simply reminds me of dirty tricks people use to make you sign something you'll later regret.
In my opinion, you...
I'm not sure if I understand correctly this part (from ToS):
So, let's assume that:
- you give me hosting and register a domain for me
- after some time I stop updating my site for some reason
- you determine that's an abandoned site and you sell a domain you registered for me with the...
I like very much (I visit it almost everyday :-) ). I like its simplicity and often updates.
If I could suggest something, I would change the look of boxes "Download the latest Manga chapter" (BTW: does this button work properly?) and "Bittorrent Anime Downloads". It's a...
That's a nice welcome message, especially that it was the first time I visited :confused4
Well, nevermind, maybe I'll write that e-mail next time I try to visit this site.
That's a little bit confusing for me.
I understand your explanation of these numbers, but I wonder, why so many forums and portal systems insist during installation to change permissions of some files to 777?