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Let's say I run a gallery site that is powered in php with no mysql required. Can a shared host handle traffic that receives 50k+ hits daily?
I know a shared host can handle 50k+ hits daily if the site is pure html but I'm not sure if that still applies the same for php
How do you create in javascript to do email vaildation? to check
must contain 1 @
must contain 1 letter before the @
must contain 1 letter after the @
must not contain spaces, slash, colon, comma or semicolon
if the any of the rules are wrong it will alert the user saying "Invalid Email"
Hi I'm looking for a windows vps I'm mainly after the remote desktop so I don't really need all the web features
20gb space
500gb bandwidth (Do tell me how you count bandwidth)
512 ram
1 remote desktop connection
Budget $25/month or cheaper if paying yearly