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I see your trying to go for Unlimited hosting ... hmm sorry man .. no such thing :confused2
Check this out -->
I would avoid the Unlimited providers ... they usually end up offering bad service in some way or another. HostOnce I know has screwed over a lot of my...
I got 2 domains with GoDaddy, it's a great service reasonable prices. Even though there are some less expensive places to register your domain now, but GoDaddy is a good place.
SmartFTP all the way ... that is a great free FTP client. Handles everything CuteFTP Pro does and best of all it's free.
I have not had a problem with it unles like CuteFTP, CuteFTP Pro, and FlashFXP.
Now If you want to pay for one I recommend FlashFXP...
I visit and I get a Plesk Plackholder ... maybe their not down just yet ... just really lazy :p
Well I hope those people that we dumped by find bettr places to host .. I would for sure hate for that to happen to me or any of my clients :(
We are running a great deal that you can not just pass up.
From now Monday(12-10-01) till Friday(12-14-01) We are giving all of our plans at the yearly discount. So no need to pay annually to get that discount. You can get it right now!!!
Lite Plan - 2.75 a Month #P0125481
Basic Plan -...
Hey everyone,
As a special Birthday offer (it's my birthday and I am in a pretty good mood) ...
ZanyHosting wants to offer to the next 12 clients that sign up a free month with any quarterly, biannually, or annually sign up.
We have 4 plans that you can pick form or you can order a...
It's easy to register a domain ... just go to or and regsiter for a personal ID and then register a domain .... simple as slicing a peice of pie ;)
I would have to say phpbb2, openbb, xmb.
If I were to pick one it would have to be XMB, it has way more features and it looks to be stable enough. But if you were to pick a very stable forum with a good dev. team I would go with phpBB.
But XMB and phpBB are my 2 very fav. php boards and...
A buddy of mine is selling his domain and I am doing him a favor by posting about it ...
The domain for sale is DHCNEWORK.ORG go to for the contact info so you can contact him directly.
Thanks everyone!
Be careful ...
Check out
They might be able to offer such high bandwdith and such low prices cause they might be on a rackshack server... but agin be careful
I have a few of domains ... it usually takes me seconds to register it and for the DNS to propagate usually tkaes less them 24 hours. You can not registera .KG domain cause you need to actually pay for those domains ... but a,, and are free.
Like djs said it's a...
Thanks for the info TrekChick, I will be careful. I might just register my personal domain with them since it's nothing that I am in a rush of registering. So if it takes 12 hours to a week we will see.
you might have just a been a lucky chick and gotten your domain at the point of them...
Plesk 2.x is really nice compared to the earlier version, much more control in 2.x then the earlier ones that's for sure.
The cobalt CP is horse sh*t compared to Plesk.
If he is he should be warned, a lot of cable/dsl users have used their home internet to run a hosting company ... and I have seen nothing but downhill crashes for the people who run it and the people they host.
So watch out bro!