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I agree with you, atb stuff calls members or their forum stuff to take user reviews here...
I wrote my review here about atb, I was using it for 3 months with around 20 domain, yes, a bit much but l was installed just wordpress on them and be sure l wasnt using 50% of the server...
Mokono, l am very sure that u are not on atb for 3 months, otherwise u would agree with me. the owner may also approve me that their server crashed 2 times in 3 months, so, where were you? :):evilb:
Hello guys, This is the second time my paid4host provider crashed in 2 months. I am very nervouse becouse of their service I lost my files everytime they crash my control panel and my times l spended to set up those sites.... I cant write it in their forums cos the owner of their forums delete...
l checked as you asked sean, l checked from and as u see no response from all servers and l still cant reach my sites for 2 or 3 days... l wish u solve this firewall issue:)
l am thanksfull for all these pals who offer service here, l will try both of them, but first of all let me remember my post says l wish all of them are reliable as l asked, cos l dont wanna disappointments like atb or hosting4u. l tried atb and host4u and these two hosting services diappointed...
hello friends, l am working on a project and in this project l need to use rss fetching features on a blog l am willing to lunch and in this system l need to fetch rss news from sites and post in my blog. but in this free web hosting provided system l am having problem on fetching rss feeds with...
I Also Advice any1 who is looking for fast and reliable addfree web hosting, also using hosting4you for 2 weeks, didnt met any problem yet, more faster than any other free provider here and no system restrictions.
Wish Always goes better. Good Service ++
Hosting Nutrition Datas and Web Directory
Hello friends, l want to know if u also have problems with free hosts in mysql or php cos of less featuress..
today while l was tring to install phpld 2.2 version(free)
l got this error.
any1 get same ?
l see, foreexample, if l want to add domain, first l should change's nameservers to "" and than to go ur dns management panel and add a 'A' record like Host: and Value :""
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