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I need a VPS which has a quick response time, a VPS that can take alot of vistors viewing images.
I need something like follows:
Ram 256MB+ MIN
Bandwidth 300GB Upgradable or some kind of shared dedicated line
Centos 4.*
No Control Panel needed, but if comes with one Plesk...
Well we may be able to offer this for you if you put some google ads on the top and bottom of your Radios website. Is any of the music that you are going to play Illegal. We do not allow any Illegal Conent, if its all Legal and you don't mind about the ads then yes we can offer you this...
Hello, i need a host that can supply me with good qaulity hosting for a decent amount of time, i do not mind if the site has some downtime, e.g. 98%. The site will be about programing in a program called Game Maker, it will mostly have 3D code. I only need the host for a few months as i should...