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As I understood you require post to host, I can't do it because I don't want to post useless stuff to get host...
The script that I am planning to use scan given folder for all files, then I can open file edit it and save, very similar to Cloud9 IDE but only for editing files...
Hello, I need free host for my code files + IDE system
I am learning computer science and I need free host to run Codaid web IDE to store my code and edit it online.
its personal site for me and maybe 1-2 more friends.
uploaded files size not higher than 10kb most of the time (its...
i know this service but there is a problem:
this server has delay for example if i the broadcast will change song the listeners will be still listen to the first song...
does some one know what is the problem?
I need free host for site and forum (its is php nuke portal system).
This is very serious site and this what I need:
> 1000mb+ free space
> 1000mb+ bandwith
> mysql database 10mb+
> 1 ftp account
> cpanel if availble...
> No any ads(if you want me to put your ad i will do it but i...
why you think taht this information is private??
this is the one of the impaortant things that user need to know...
How can I be sure that this hosting woun't fall after 3 moths?
beause i need good hosting...
Can I Build forum at this hosting?
(css= Counter strike source)
can please some one give me free server to CSS game only for 2-3 players...
its will be very helpful to me...
I dont know i will put ads on server or something else...(all what you will tell me...)
thank you very much!
(if this site is only for web...
hello evryone,
I want to build a fotum and i need free hosting bequse i dont know if my forum will sucsed or not so i want to check this...
i want to get community and make my forum the best ever!:bandit2:
the problem is that every post that i saw where users gives their hosting offers are...