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if you want to hook me up for free i would appreciate it, but its more like translating work, than 'help'. i just need to get through 1 more semester of spanish and im done for the rest of my school career.
Hi, I am taking spanish 3 and only have a few months left in it, but we are required to write these 'noticias' which are basically a few sentences on a topic my spanish teacher chooses. I have about 6 to do. What i want you to do is to translate them from english(which i will write) into spanish...
WARNING! -(be glad you missed it)
Admin Edit: I refuse to open this URL to verify that it's against the rules so I'll make the logical assumption that it is. Please don't post it if I'm correct. :)
i have tried that and it looks good in netscape, but in IE it looks like it has strips running through it. Its very iritating that netscape and ie can't site down, and decide on some standards for the sake of the all the webdesigners out there.
I have graphics on a web page. On IE it loads them in one type of blue, and on Netscape it loads them in another type of blue. This is really iritating because I cant get the right background color. Is there an easy way to fix this, or should i impliment a javascript code to fix this?
May I recommend you go with Linux(or another unix varient) for the OS, because it is much cheaper than windows and definately performs better than windows in high load environments. For a database you could use MySQL. It is a good database that can handle the demand and best of all its free for...
If you or know someone who is looking for a new site for their a christian non profit organizaition, e-mail Marc at Please have some proof that you are a non profit organization please. I have to volunteer to do something for a church thing.
My standard charge for businesses is $75 per page, $25 for photo work, and the charge for the design (It depends on complexity of the design). PHP scripts also cost a little extra.
Back to your question: 6 * 75 is $450, but seeing he is family you could cut him some slack and do it for $300 - $350.
syd: dont they let you go home if you dont have any class? That how they did it at my old HS. I knew some people that had only 2 classes per semester, and then there were others who only had 1 or 2 classes their senior year
im going to tell you a story . . .
it all happened way back in the day when i was still a young lad in elementary school. after lunch many classes head outside to the big grassed in field, that we called the recess yard. ohhh god cant type any longer so anyway . . . two kids find this bottle...
Just give the authority figures fair warning that you will take action(kick her ---) if she trys to get to physically abuse you. Normally beating up a retard would be off limits, but if she hits you, she becomes fair game. Seems really shitty though, that no one will punish her because shes a...
if you ever notice, when you open a txt file in notepad that was saved in wordpad, there are those block characters and the line breaks are all messed up. Im downloading Crimson Editor 3.4
right now. maybe it will do the trick
is there a program like notepad, that can handle large file sizes, has line numbers, and can convert text files from wordpad into something readable? Im going to be using it mainly for PHP coding.
There is always new stuff out there, its just not all worth learning. there is XML, but i decided to wait to learn it until it becomes a little more supported.
does any host offer this for free. pop ups or banners that I can place myself(if they host domain names, its a plus, but not required. can anyone recommend a good free host?
you have crossover thing. its just the way the cat5 wires were made(one is a straight threw, the other a crossover). Its just the order of the 8 smaller wires in it. If you already have a cat5 cable that was connecting 2 computers directly use that, or if you have the tools, try making the cable.