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Search results

  1. O


    Hello, I can offer you: 5GB transfer 200MB space 5 MYSQL 15 POP/FTP Accounts PHP4 99.9% Uptime Ensim/Cobalt (Either) But there is one condition, and to know the condition; contact me through AIM, ICQ Or MSN at: AIM: HBetterSupport ICQ: 44359020 MSN: cs@hostingbetter.com...
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    5 Free Accounts

    Sorry for the late reply. I have been a lot busy lately. I will try to create your sub-domains by tomorrow. Your subdomain would look like: yourname.cinewebs.com --Omair
  3. O

    5 Free Accounts

    12 Places have been completed. Best of luck everyone. All of those who posted in this thread for the free webspace, please e-mail me immediately with your preferred subdomain. My e-mail address is omair@hostingbetter.com Please don't send PMs as I don't check them too often. --Omair
  4. O

    What host should i use !!!

    Both are good. I have experiences with both of them. Though, ReadyHosting in their TOS/AUP fine prints do mention some limit. Can't remember though how much was it. I used ReadyHosting.com to host my ASP scripts for my webmaster related site at www.devecho.com which never launched. I...
  5. O

    5 Free Accounts

    Hello Guys, I am giving out 5 free accounts to FWS Members. Below are the account specifications: · 25mb space · 1GB Bandwith · 1 POP/FTP Account · Cobalt Control Panel · WebMail · Statistics · FrontPage Extensions · PHP Support · mySQL Support and more.... Complete plan...
  6. O

    Looking for hosting

    We can offer you: 25mb space 2GB Bandwith 2 POP/FTP Accounts Web Statistics WebMail and other basic features for only US$49.95/Year. Check out www.hostingbetter.com We are giving out 1GB bandwith free if you are a FWS Member.
  7. O

    Warning For Chitie.com!

    Sorry to hear your unpleasant experience. Usually its better to read a company's AUP/TOS before signing up with them. One more thing to be just pre-cautious is to e-mail the support of the particular host to see their response time.
  8. O

    looking for a host

    Nothing as such or something special. Its just that they used to be my reseller and I registered the domain for them. They still have a reseller account for me as well as around 3-4 more servers out there. As well as, they are a local company. They have around more then 150 local satisfied...
  9. O

    looking for a host

    MN-Robert = :D As for cheap hosting, check out www.namecheap.com and <removed> You can get a domain and hosting for as low as US$40/year or maybe more less.
  10. O

    In need of PHP/Mysql.

    Volcato.net is a must see!
  11. O

    Could somebody help me ?

    I have been hearing a lot about <removed> One of my won customer uses them :) They seem to be popular in young webmasters for their cheap plans. <<Do not spam the forums>>
  12. O

    Finally moving to paid

    <<Removed: Do not spam the forums>> My friend uses them :)
  13. O

    Interested in Hosting my project

    What are your needs?
  14. O

    Need A Good Host.

    Hello 7de5igns, Below is what HostingBetter can offer you: 250Megs Space 5GB Bandwith CGI/FTP/PHP/SSI 10mySQL databases 10 POP/FTP Accounts [bEnsim[/b] Control Panel Unlimited Subdomains and other features Just for US$6/month. Drop me a PM if you are interested in signing up.
  15. O

    choosing a webhost...

    Drop CyberPixels from the list as well. Do a search on WHT on CyberPixels and you will find a huge list of crying x-customers of CP.
  16. O

    Needing Help In Search of Web Provider :[

    <<please read the request before posting>>
  17. O

    last help guyz

    <<Way above the price wanted per year>>
  18. O

    New Host Needed

    Hello, Please check out HostingBetter . We have a special going on a http://www.hostingbetter.com/special.html 500 MB Space 5 GB Bandwith 25 POP E-mail Accounts Bandwith Management 25 FTP Accounts PHP 4.1.2 CGI-BIN/Perl US$9.95 Monthly US$27.95 Quarterly US$99.95 Yearly (Free...
  19. O

    Need Affordable Host /w Many Features

    <<Please read what was required - your offer was way off in a few areas>>
  20. O

    Very Reliable Host

    Give www.KDAWebServices.com a try. They are an excellent host.