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Search results

  1. B

    Webtalks.net a growing forum is 4 Sale

    answer all stats can be viewed via link at the bottom of the page...or at http://webtalks.net//index.php?board=;action=stats hosting can be negotiated...currently the site is setup and running on an equivelent plan that would cost 4.99 a month, however I forsee if anyone puts time into...
  2. B

    Webtalks.net a growing forum is 4 Sale

    Answer to question No the site started here in states....had a few contests where offered free hosting...one of the sites that was and continues to be hosted is in China, this site has become popular with 18-30 age group and that is what I am seeing... Have not really had a lot of time to...
  3. B

    Webtalks.net a growing forum is 4 Sale

    WEBTALKS.NET is 4 sale, this site has been and continues to be a growing board in China.... If interested in purchasing please drop me a note.... Forgot to mention if you were to purchase site I could continue to host at discounted rate, in either case forgot to mention will provide buyer...
  4. B

    Hosting forum 4 sale

    here is what I have here ia a link to visitors stats... http://webtalks.net//index.php?board=;action=stats I have no time to build this out, board went south last year, has provided me revenue via web hosting clients...mostly from students in china. I have not had time to push to...
  5. B

    Hosting forum 4 sale

    Do not have the time after all is said! I am opting to place forum up for sale, included in the sale are the domain name, database, existing forum of over 150 memebers. Will host at discount if needed, will provide 15 days free at time of sale so that you may migrate site...
  6. B

    Free Cpanel account with Fantastico Deluxe

    thank you for the good words...... Thanks to all of you that have made this board come back to life..... this offer has officially come to an end!!! Thanks again to everyone that has helped in supporting this endevour. rr :classic2: :-)
  7. B

    Free Cpanel account with Fantastico Deluxe

    THANKS FOR Kind Words we try!!!! Less then 2 hours before we terminate this offer. Glad we could help you out! You should be good once your dns propergates. rr
  8. B

    Free Cpanel account with Fantastico Deluxe

    offer ends in less then 5 hours This offer ends in less then 5 hours
  9. B

    Free Cpanel account with Fantastico Deluxe

    please note As long as you have completed registration by 11/15/04 midnite EST you will be eligible. You do not have to complete posting your articles by that deadline but do need to be registerd. Again thanks for the overwhelming support. we are now up to 12 free accounts. rr
  10. B

    Free Cpanel account with Fantastico Deluxe

    Thanks For Your Support Due to the over whelming response...we will be expiring this offer at midnite the 15th of November. All registered prior to the deadline will be eligible. Again thank you for the support.
  11. B

    Free Cpanel account with Fantastico Deluxe

    thanks for the support thanks for the support...we are also looking at expanding the offer!!
  12. B

    Free Cpanel account with Fantastico Deluxe

    Hello, Our community is the process of being rebuilt,....www.webtalks.net Contrary to our critics here at FWS, we are back offering what we feel will benefit both the person in need of hosting and us in need of re-establishing our board. We do not and will not share any information, we...
  13. B

    Free Cpanel hosting with Fantastico

    Do me a favor sit on your ?? ?? cheesestick I could care less what you think, about me or my hosting. Im not the one in search of.... I threw out an offer, let the people figure out where to go. I know what kind of service I offer, and am proud of my business. so PLEASE STFU AND...
  14. B

    Free Cpanel hosting with Fantastico

    your wrong!!!! see that is the whole problem...people chime in without any information... I never had any dealings with him / her. And for people like yourself to assume is my biggest issue!!! I have had a handful of transactions with people from this board and all have been positive...
  15. B

    Free Cpanel hosting with Fantastico

    no not really no not really r u?
  16. B

    Free Cpanel hosting with Fantastico

    sometime the truth hurts in your case it must be causing a lot of pain.... You know I tried to do something that I thought was right...just only to get trashed..why wouldnt I defend myself. If thta means calling people out...then oh well my business does well..I treat all my customers...
  17. B

    Free Cpanel hosting with Fantastico

    bad taste of honey As I stated I will not let you get last word in without defending myself.... Honey so you didnt deny, you came begging...if I have such a poor reputation then why did you plead for freee hosting? Well Im sorry to inform you, your request and pleading for free...
  18. B

    Free Cpanel hosting with Fantastico

    thanks for pointing out... guess I didnt spell it right...you find it mis-spelled 1x...guess im not as good at using spellchecker as you are im proud of you...you graduated and are using the word imbecile in the proper context. oldman2
  19. B

    Free Cpanel hosting with Fantastico

    why ban for answering idots like you, why am I going to give you the last word and spew crap about me... I had a legitimate offer until a few wannabee's wanted to chime in and spew the same garbage as you. there is no ban here!!!! the moderators can feel free to close out this post as...
  20. B

    Free Cpanel hosting with Fantastico

    why do I get all the idiots Hey ... "but maybe ur are too stupid to see" your portfolio link is not a text site... http://www.sitesled.com/members/aki/images/home3.jpg but some bogus sitesled garbage site.... so please try again..."try not to make the reputation baaaaad"...