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Hello, I'd like to have a free ShoutCast server for around 25 users at 24kbps. It's for a anime site. So we'll mostly stream anime OSTs, openings and ending of the some series.
How do you make a sub-domain pointing to another nameserver (not the same as the main domain)
Example: My main domain is on SERVER1 to it's pointed to and But I want to point my sub-domain to and
I wonder how do you do it. I...
I wonder if there's any free members area script that can be integrated in a existing website. Like login to view a page and put a script on a page to protect that page. And a registration form with a Admin panel.I know there's scripts like this but you need to pay for it. :\ So... any suggestion?
Well I'm working on a anime streaming website and I would like to rent a box for a cheap price. 10 Mbits or 100 Mbits unmetered bandwidth and a 250GB HDD. With cPanel WHM if possible. Please list the price. Oh yeah and Hard Drive can be smaller. Preferable on the East Coast. I need 99% Uptime so...
Hello, I would like to have a server to host animes. It doesn't have to direct link it could be linked to your website and download. A service like; you don't need to wait to download, expired after a amount of time / download. Also, I would like to have FTP access.
Hello, I would like to have a Counter-Strike 1.6 server with 16 slots. Preferable on East. I want to know what is the price for 16 slots and will I get access to add mods or there'll be preinstalled mods. Is there a control panel that comes with it?
Thank you.