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On my search for some paid hosting, I have been directed to I'm just weary, however, as I know little about them. Has anyone used them before?
-- Carl
thanks, i only quickly threw the stats button on there so i will position a bit better later
as for the scroller i think i have another script lurking around somewhere that will fix that
thanks +chips once the design is finished it will be a lot fuller
and Jan, well next time i'll make sure to clearly specify my purpose, and my needs for the imparied such as yourself...
aah, a typical shifty aussie i see :devious2:
no the name of the site is 404 media, it is not a plot, i am not from sphosting and there is no error loading the page, and most of all, no banners :p
yes i reliase what has just happened. but this will escalate into war if the us reacts too strongly. there is a lot at stake here. war is not the answer to anything, what have 2 world wars, countless civil wars and small wars taught, nothing excpet that the us can't keep their big nose out of...
i agree totally. if it was afghani's, we cannot blame the entire race, we cannot them all for a selected group's actions.
Quite frankly, i'm afriad at the moment, i don't want war. fortunatley i will hopefully never have to go to war becuase where i live in new zealand military service is...
personally i think bush is a bit of a nazi. he loves war, he says that the us is a peace loving nation but yet he is saying that he will retaliate, stoop to their level and kill innocent civilians. its a bit of a catch 22 situation, you fight the war you win the war, you don't fight the war, you...