Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
i think that it is a good idea that you are wanting to venture into the hosting industry and i wish you the best of luck. and like others have said it is best for you to go with a reseller account for starters.
can i ask if you have any knowledge with hosting etc..?
if not then i would be... Reseller Offer
Hello and thank you for looking at the reseller offer please note we only have 3 so be quick or loose out
This is what we have to offer you
20/200 Reseller plan details
Web Space: 20 GB
BW: 200 GB
Cpanel: Yes
WHM: Yes
Cpanel XP: Yes...
HostingENT Is Here For You
Hosting Enterprises here saying we have some solutions for you. Check these plans out!:
AMD-BARTON-3000-A [3.0 GHz]
Base System Configuration:
AMD 3000+ Barton
80GB IDE Hard Drive
1024MB RAM
Bandwidth: 1000GB
IP Addresses: 8 (5 usable)
Hosting Enterprises can offer you the following custom plan, when we say custom it is built around your needs. so this plan is not advertised on our site.
Custom Plan
Webspace: 10 Gb
Bandwdith: 100 Gb
Cpanel/WHM: Yes
we can help you we have fantasico installed we offer 2 messege boards PhpBB 2 and Invision Power Board we also offer cpanel xp and php 5 so if you are intrested please add me on msn or visit my company is my msn i would really like to help you with your message board we...
Hello everyone if you need hosting then look no further than Hosting Enterprises Please find below all the specs and what my company has to offer you.
First let me explain the specs of our company.
Our server has been hardened by our server admins, who are known as...
i agree
if a customer signed up with me and noticed his account did not have cpanel xp then all he would have to do is ask and i would do it so he is authorising the change not me it's there for the taking but the reasson why i choose it was becuase most host seem to use x theme which is boring...
Has anyone heard of cpanel xp and how come the large hosting companies like don't offer it? imo it seperates you from the growd of other hosting companies offering the plain rvskin and x2 theme
ok i can offer you this for $200 Mo or for $45 Mo
for 200 Mo you will get:
20 GB web space
1 TB bandwidth
Unlimited Features!
for 45 Mo you will get:
20 GB web space
250 GB bandwidth
ok we can offer you this custom plan. if you like it please get in contact with me using this email address
2.5 Gb
30 GB Bandwdith
Unlimited Features
100% Uptime!!
All for $8 Month...
can't say that i have heard of that company before, but please keep us posted if you do decide to go with them, but if you don't im sure you will find a suitable host on FWS
umm i see lots of overselling by miles for $1 then you are bound to find an unreliable host maybe if you wanted 2 mb web space 5 mb banwdith i could offer you it for $1 but for what you want find a host that offers a more expensive realistic price. only kiddy host tend to offer $1 for what...
sorry, but i can't really help you with this host. but maybe i can give you some tip on testing it , try testing their support and see how long they take to reply etc. other than that i don't really know try searching the forums or the internet about them.
hello i am looking for people to help Hosting Enterprises grow, i am looking for people who can make sales and know of people who need hosting etc..
you will be paid 30% commision for each sale you make for more information please contact me on msn on thankyou for your time