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never were any fraud charges ------- and yes I made a mistake nearly a year ago in regards to my family that is in the past and has nothing to do with you so ---- off
Hello, this is Johnathan360,
I give up then, KayTech is done I guess I was wrong Sarah you ruined me. Hope your happy I do admit I was in the wrong I am very sorry.
As for not being legally registered this is false The Equiline Foundation is an IRS registered non-profit group currently pending 501(c)3 approval.
And as fr issuing a refund immedately how many times do I have to stress the point that ALL SHE HAD TO DO WAS CALL THE PHONE NUMBER WE...
We will do so first thing monday morning when the local branch is open. also regarding less than 2 months, that is not true we recently reranded but the group itself is 3 years old.
Seeing as you are not openly threatening my boss I'm done I wll no longer post n ths thread I just offered to appeal to my boss to get your money back and you throw that crap at me, whatever.
Yes actually do value my job thats why can not give you the refund personally at this stage would but Johnathan is tellng me no, I will not disobey a direct order If you really want me to I will meet with Jacob tomorrow and attempt to get you your refund. although in response to your...
Once again, we did NOT refuse to refund she did not ask appropriately as we poltely asked her to do. If she had called management as asked she would have been refunded wthin 10 minutes.
The quote given by Johnathan was $14 which she paid with another discount even... We only refused the refund AFTER SHE REFUSED to ask in the correct manor NEVER did we overcharge Sarah
As stated, I am done the managers and employees envolved are aware of this thread... whether or not they will post in it do not know. once again I am sorry this happened to you IF you wish I will refund the amount 100% as service credit or I will refund $10 of it, otherwise there is nothing I...
Personally Im done with this I had nothing to do wth this
Johnathan,Jacob,Daniel,Jeremy,Brian, Johnathon D. were the involved employees according to our records. I am not payed to deal with this anyone qth questions can PM me.
Please tell me how have we mistreated the situaton? Client was abusive so following our policy my manager told us not to approve the refund and paypal agreed wth us and closed the clam in our favour.
It is not true that we never intended to delver, if it was why would we even try to verify your identity. And I disagree you were not abusive seeing the way you taalked to our managers on the telephone.
We just want the thread to be locked so we can not be called out on for protecting ourselves one of the most major hosting and domiin providers I know does this verification. UK2 My managers are tired of the attitude of this client we have tried resolving this am offering a partial refund and...