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  1. jahed

    Anyhow i can copy writing from a picture?

    Hi, Is there anyway I can copy a set of writing from a picture and paste it elsewhere? Can I use any software e.g photoshop as this will help me to save time in just copying and pasting rather than writing the whole thing down. Thanks for your help!
  2. jahed

    Some websites i cant access

    so i have to renew the IP from my computer and my laptop because it is on the same network?
  3. jahed

    Some websites i cant access

    ok im done, but the problem hasnt been sorted yet. im so confused because the websites which i dont have access to is accessible at certain times of the day. i really dont know what the problem is or where it lies.
  4. jahed

    Some websites i cant access

    hi thanks for your reply, just wanted to ask, when i type in ipconfig/release, i get the following message: the requested operation requires elevation. what do i do?
  5. jahed

    Some websites i cant access

    i cleared my cache but dont know if my isp is having any dns problems. any other suggestions?
  6. jahed

    Some websites i cant access

    btw im experiencing the same problem on my other computer. i updated my router (netgear) to see if that solves the problem but it doesnt.
  7. jahed

    Some websites i cant access

    hi, last night i tried accessing facebook on firefox (also tried accessing on internet explorer) but i received an error page. i also tried accessing a few other websites which other people had no trouble in accessing. today, i cleared the cookies and immediately i had access to the...
  8. jahed

    I Passed My Driving Test

    HAHAHAAHA M8 dont worry, your box of choclates are on its way Enjoy!:classic2:
  9. jahed

    I Passed My Driving Test

    lol talking about costs.... in order to gain a pink license, you will need to pay for the following things: Provisional License: I paid £45 but i fink its increased now Theory Test: i paid £30 for it and i dont think the charge has changed Driving lessons: i took 30 1hour lessons @...
  10. jahed

    I Passed My Driving Test

    thnx guys and erm hitting pedestrians is a good thing?:confused4 well how comes it never came up on my theory test?
  11. jahed

    I Passed My Driving Test

    Vauxhal Corsa thanks guys, il probably buy the car i drove with when taking my lessons which is a vauxhall corsa!
  12. jahed

    I Passed My Driving Test

    hmm is it? I thought it was the other way round :confused4, well thats probably why i got 9 minors.
  13. jahed

    I Passed My Driving Test

    I passed it on my first attempt today and took 30 1hour lessons. I got 9minors and took it at Barking in London. Going to get a car in April, cannot wait; the insurance is so expensive (im 17yrs old), i might take the pass plus course! :wink2::biggrin2::-)
  14. jahed

    Was This Forum On The News???

    it was on sky news! this happened a month ago i think
  15. jahed

    Was This Forum On The News???

    i am sure i saw this forum on the news but do not know why. oh well.... thanks for replying
  16. jahed

    Was This Forum On The News???

    Well, was it? I saw it on the news about this boy who died i think, i cant remember, but I'd be happy if someone tells me what had happened. Thanks in advance
  17. jahed

    Where are all the threads gone?

    the sticky thread under computers doesnt answer my questions neither does the other sticky threads.
  18. jahed

    Where are all the threads gone?

    ok plz tell me what i missed
  19. jahed

    Where are all the threads gone?

    what are you trying to say? Have i missed a lot of things?
  20. jahed

    Where are all the threads gone?

    where are they gone?